Frequently Asked Questions

DigiByte is a truly decentralized UTXO blockchain. This means that there's not a central entity that controls the creation of coins or verify each transaction. That power is distributed among all the nodes of the network that are placed all around the world.

Because anyone can be part of it and no one holds the absolute power. If a node wants to add a transaction to the global ledger then at least fifty percent of the other users (nodes) in the network must verify the new information. The DigiByte's Blockchain doesn't trust, it verifies.

A blockchain is a ledger that keeps track of every transaction that happens in all the history of the currency, every coin movement and every balance. It's basically a book formed with pages and each page (block) contains transactions that people send each other. In the DigiByte blockchain a new block is added every 15 seconds.

By March 2023 there are aprox. 16,062,612,280 DigiByte in circulation and there is a max supply of 21,000,000,000 that will be issued gradually by the year 2035.

When a node creates a new block for the blockchain, the network automatically gives it a reward of some new DigiByte. This process is called 'mining' and the nodes that creates blocks are called 'miners'. For a miner to succesfully create a new block it must complete a computational algorithm.

It's a little payment all users make to the network everytime they want to perform a transaction. By the year 2023 the average transaction fee is around 0.0001 DGB. When a block is added to the blockchain the miner of that block receives the fees of each transaction of the block.

To store any cryptocurrency, you must have a wallet. There's a lot of options for you to get one. For example, you can download to your smartphone a multi coin wallet and it will provide you an easy way to store and send DigiByte.

Even more info!

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I'm a 22-year-old student from Peru. I'm relatively new in the crypto-world and I love programming so, why not combine this two hobbies right?

As you may notice, I like to publish my projects, so you can check my GitHub or visit my WebSite to find other tech-like projects that you may like.

This is my first big contribution to any community and I hope you can use it to get everyone you know into DigiByte. So, spread the DigiByte Blockchain with this page at zero cost.

And thats about it. Here is my Reddit and Telegram if you want to get in touch with me to say hi or give me any suggestion for this or any of my projects. This is my profile and this is me, welcome to my page and I hope you can enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed coding it.

For developers

You can find the DigiByte Core source code in Github

The Chain Parameters are the main diference between all the bitcoin-like coins, if you change these you will get your custom coin.


pubkeyhash: 30
scripthash: 63
privatekey: 128
bech32prefix: "dgb"
xpubkey: 0x0488B21E
xprivkey: 0x0488ADE4


pubkeyhash: 126
scripthash: 140
privatekey: 254
bech32prefix: "dgbt"
xpubkey: 0x043587CF
xprivkey: 0x04358394

Source: Github

On March 2023 the average transaction fee was 1 sat/byte.

Depending on the programming language, you have several options.
JavaScript: digibyte-js
C#: NBitcoin

Basically any bitcon library works for you, you just have to change the Chain Parameters.

There are two CLI wallets that supports DigiByte Testnet digi-wallet and multi-coin.